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[FREE DOWNLOAD] NO 36. Aircraft Text 1st Jet-Flying-boat & Concept Vertical Take-off Airliner. The first jet-propelled flying boat in the world to fly, and recently made a landing at 100 m.p.h. on the River Thames, for the Festival of Britain.


NO 36. The first jet-propelled flying boat in the world to fly, and recently made a landing at 100 m.p.h. on the River Thames, for the Festival of Britain.

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The first jet-propelled flying boat in the world to fly, and recently made a landing at 100 m.p.h. on the River Thames, for the Festival of Britain. At the Farnborough Fling Display and Exhibition, which took place in September 1955, several experimental aircraft were on view.

Each selected pair has been twined to give a pleasing picture to be displayed with an A4 or A3 printed size, large enough to read the small Eagle Centrespread text.

The helicopter is ideal air-sea-rescue. . By equipping them with a listening device which may be lowered into the sea, the detection of a submarine and its course can be carried out far more efficiently and speedily than by surface craft. Each selected pair has been twined to give a pleasing picture to be displayed with an A4 or A3 printed size, large enough to read the small Eagle Centrespread text.

When Dan Dare first powered his way on to the pages of the Eagle comic in 1950’s, his heroic exploits were an immediate sensation, as schoolboys up and down the land marvelled at tales of his intergalactic space travel.

Yet equally popular as the cartoons of the square-jawed hero were the wonderfully detailed diagrams that filled the centre pages of the comic. Ranging from designs of aircraft and locomotives through to missiles, battleships and atomic power stations, these
cross-section drawings revealed the inner workings of ground-breaking technological developments in a way that was explosive, educational and exciting. And the details reflected an age when youngsters had a thirst for knowledge. For a generation of schoolboys enthralled by these visions of engineering marvels, these pictures proved an inspiration.

Here was proof not only that the future had arrived, but that Britain was playing a leading role ushering it in. The Eagle had a
number of artists who worked on these cutaways, but chief among them was L. Ashwell Wood, who drew for the comic throughout its

Mumfordbooks have collected and twined together in two views, in an original series: The Birth of Hi-Tech Britain, pays tribute to these awe-inspiring illustrations, and to a time when Britain was an innovative, manufacturing powerhouse. This series will cover Land, Sea and Air, start collecting and download yours, today.